May 7 - Beauty or the Beast?
Have you seen the tabloids where they show the stars without makeup? I do feel a little bit bad for them (just a little), because they are often most worshipped for their beauty and you take that away and expose them for how they really look (well it's really exposing them at their worse), and it's got to be embarrassing.
Well I was out the other day and "got noticed." It has only happened to me 2 other times, thank God. Both times I was wearing full makeup and my hair was in a nice style. This time, I was probably half way there. By the expression on the guy?s face who recognized me, I'm sure he was thinking, ?you look so much better on TV.? He saw me on Fox News months ago and had checked out my website back then. But here we were waiting for the train. I got the standard "how's it going" and "good luck" and we parted ways (but not before noticing he was wearing a wedding band). I let out a sigh of relief. I didn?t just blow it with my future husband.
This week my challenge is to try and meet men simply by living my ordinary life?, you know going to Starbucks, grocery store, gym, etc What I realize is that it takes a lot more time in the mirror than I allow in my ?ordinary life.? I don?t consider myself lazy by any means, but my goodness, foundation, curling irons, wardrobe preparation takes so long. When I lived in Manhattan, I remember admiring a woman who lived in my building who was always dressed to perfection with faultless hair and makeup each day. I?d see her in the lobby and wonder how she did it. She was an accountant for pete?s sake, not some news reporter or on-camera talent. But she took the time to look great every morning. (Although I did see her early one Saturday morning on the way to the gym wearing sweats, no makeup and her hair tied in a scarf. Ouch, it wasn?t pretty, and it made me feel a little better about myself). But I also have a friend who is a jean and t-shirt kind of girl. She may apply a little lipstick and mascara, but that?s about it (no blemishes to cover, nor the need to squeeze into control tight pantyhose). All natural, she looks great each day too.
But for those of us who definitely need a little help, do you think we really should go that extra mile every-single-day just on the off chance that we may run into someone who will only find us attractive if we were fully made up? Or can we give ourselves a break (maybe avoid the mom jeans and head scarf), and simply look presentable, but save our beauty transformations for special functions and outings at night and on the weekends? I?m really not sure. What do you think?